Lunch and Learn


lunch and learn

Our Lunch and Learn Community Luncheon meets on the third Tuesday of each month from Noon to 1:30 p.m. in our Spirit Room. Newcomers are always welcome. 

Please bring a lunch. You may also bring a snack or dessert to share.

Love offerings will be gratefully accepted.

The next lunch is Tuesday, August 20. We welcome Shannon Sabol to speak on Food as the First Spiritual Practice - Ayurvedic Wisdom.

According to Ayurveda, the 5,000-year-old system of wellness that takes a whole-body approach to healing, FOOD is the first spiritual practice. We are what we consume. Physical food and spiritual food are linked. There is no separation. Join Shannon Sabol, an Ayurveda Wellness Coach and Yoga Teacher, for a talk on not just what to eat but HOW to eat to bring more mindfulness to your meals. We will also discuss tips on supporting digestive health (food) and ways to support the digestion of LIFE.  

Bring a notebook to take notes! 

For more information about health coaching through Ayurveda, visit

Email Shannon to learn more about FREE 30-minute Clarity Call for working 1:1 at



Previous topics have included:

  • Sacred Geometry 

  • Reflexology

  • Organization

  • Reiki

  • Eating a vegetarian diet

  • Discovering alkaline foods

  • Summer Solstice

  • Gratitude

  • Alternative Medicine: Time to Ditch Your Doctor?

  • Buddha Bowls

  • How to Read and Decipher Food Labels

  • Medicare Advantage Plans

  • Chili cook-off

  • A Course in Miracles

  • Dr. Diana Pi

  • Space for Your Soul

  • Toastmasters

  • Edgar Casey