Our Lunch and Learn Community Luncheon meets on the third Tuesday of each month from Noon to 1:30 p.m. in our Spirit Room.
Newcomers are always welcome.
Love offerings will be gratefully accepted.
If you have questions or want to volunteer your assistance, please email Roberta McLaughlin at unityinfo@unityspiritualcenter.com.
The next lunch is on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
This month is a potluck! Please bring a dish to share.
Topic: The Value of Public Art
We are surrounded by Public Art, and we are all aware of it's power to transform environments, uplifting and bringing people together and a new light of hope for spaces that have been overlooked or neglected. (Community pride, identity, and culture)
Our speaker will be Hector Castellanos Lara. He was the lead artist for the Cleveland Museum of Art’s 32nd annual parade in June.
Previous topics have included:
Sacred Geometry
Eating a vegetarian diet
Discovering alkaline foods
Summer Solstice
Alternative Medicine: Time to Ditch Your Doctor?
Buddha Bowls
How to Read and Decipher Food Labels
Medicare Advantage Plans
Chili cook-off
A Course in Miracles
Dr. Diana Pi
Space for Your Soul
Edgar Casey
Food as the First Spiritual Practice - Ayurvedic Wisdom.
The Value of Public Art