Daily Community Prayer Call



As a community, we pray together Monday to Friday at 8:00 a.m. We invite our entire community to join us for this prayer call which lasts approximately 10 minutes. One of our prayer chaplains or a congregation member leads the prayer; you do not need to say anything unless you choose.  

To participate:

Call (267) 807-9500.

When prompted, enter access code 559110#


Monthly Theme, Affirmation, Prayer, and Scripture


July theme






The July theme is Freedom.

Prayer: We align ourselves with the truth that our freedom begins within ourselves; it is our being aware of our true spiritual nature,  knowing that as spiritual beings we have been blessed with everything to experience the fullness of the kingdom. We express ourselves freely and are so grateful. And so it is.

Affirmation: I am free with the freedom of Spirit.

Scripture: "If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."  Exodus 33:14


USC Congregation Visioning Prayer and Affirmation for The Ministerial Search Team

Here at Unity Spiritual Center, we have experienced different phases throughout our almost 100 years, yet...
· We remain centered in God’s love and empowered in Truth.
· We are One in Spirit.
· Aligned with Source, all things are possible, and therefore, our ability to co-create is limitless.
· Centered in this Truth, we embrace the transition to a new Spiritual Leader with love and faith.
· In the Divinely Ordered realm of manifestation, we open our doors, we welcome our new minister, and widen our circle as we co-create an inclusive world where minds and hearts are transformed, and hands are connected in raising the global consciousness in love.
· We give thanks, knowing that, in Spirit, this is already accomplished, and we are blessed beyond our wildest dreams ... and so it is ... as we allow it to be ... Amen. 


Affirmation for the Search Team

"All together, with open minds and hearts, 
centered in God's Love, 
empowered in the Truth that we are One in Spirit,
I AM gratefully aligned with the High Consciousness of our new Minister, in Divine Order and . . . All is Well."


Audio Recordings

There are three ways to listen to an audio recording of a call.

You can call the playback number at (717) 908-1041. When prompted, enter the access code 559110#.

Recordings are posted on our Community Facebook Page. Please click here to visit or join.

Below are audio recordings of our recent prayer calls, with the most recent at the bottom of the list.