Youth and Family Ministry Youth of Unity Program


Youth of Unity Program Serves Children in Grades 9 - 12

Our Youth of Unity (YOU) participants engage with a variety of curriculum resources that follow the format of A Living Curriculum.

The focus of our curriculum is to create experiences that:

  • Invite young people to consider the idea that God is a mental attitude that works in and through us
  • Help them understand that we are the creator of our world through the thoughts we give power to and what we choose to see and believe
  • Help them to know that each individual has the power to live and do as Jesus did

Teens are going through rapid changes as well as facing peer pressure. They worry about how others view them. They also can think through problems on their own and want respect for who they are. They can take on leadership roles.


YOU Rally

A weekend rally for YOU provides teens an opportunity to grow spiritually, socialize, develop leadership skills and build new and meaningful friendships.

The weekend includes activities for large and small groups, team building, crafts, free-time sports, singing, meditation, dancing, prayer, fun, and fellowship. 

YOU rallies take place in the fall and spring of each year. Throughout the rallies, the young people are accompanied by chaperones active in our Youth and Family Ministry.


YOU Graduation












In June each year, we celebrate our graduating seniors, with the graduates participating in the Sunday Service. In 2021, our graduating seniors were Maeve Nelsen and Correy Zemon. They are on stage with their Youth Leader Karen Winbrener Van Hala in the photo above. For more pictures of the service on Sunday, June 6, 2021, please click here.


Please click here for details on the Wednesday Night Youth Group.

Wednesday Night Youth Group